Bride faces backlash over ‘confusing’ bridesmaid requirements: ‘I don’t want to do that’

Bride faces backlash over ‘confusing’ bridesmaid requirements: ‘I don’t want to do that’Emerald PellotWed, October 7, 2020, 10:59 AM CDT·2 mins readReddit’s “Wedding Shaming” forum is dedicated to curating outrageous requests from some serious bridezillas. One user submitted a dilemma from a bridesmaid who wanted to know if she was being selfish.“I’m a bridesmaid for a friend and she has asked the bridal party to all cut our hair to the same length (fine, I can do that) and dye our hair too,” she wrote. “I’m a blonde and she wants it to be a dark brown and I really don’t want to do that. Is it selfish to say no?”Most users didn’t really understand why a bride would want homogenous bridesmaids in the first place.“If a bunch of clones walked down the aisle in front of the bride I’d be super confused and distracted from the wedding,” one user wrote.“I don’t understand this logic. Wouldn’t making all the bridesmaids look the same be weirdly distracting in photos?” another commented.“Why would you want your friends to not look like themselves in your pictures? That’s just so weird,” someone said.While it is strange to some, it is a tradition in some cultures. According to Bustle, it dates back to Ancient Rome. At the time, they wanted the bride and bridesmaids to look identical.Essentially, the bridesmaids were decoy brides who served to ward off evil spirits, suitors and even kidnappers. The goal was to create confusion to prevent couples from being successfully targeted by wrongdoers. Now the ritual continues, just far removed from its origin which clearly no longer applies to modern life.These cozy candles will get you in the autumn spirit in no time:

Bride faces backlash over ‘confusing’ bridesmaid requirements: ‘I don’t want to do that’